What You Should Know About PRP Injections
If you are a person that suffers from chronic problems with your tendons or you have recently suffered an injury to a joint, your doctor may or may not have mentioned the possibility of getting PRP injections. However, if you are like most people, you do not know what PRP injections are or how they might be able to help you and your joints. Get to know some of the main facts about prp injections. Then, you can better decide if a PRP injection is the right choice for you and your current joint-related issues.
What is PRP?
PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. Plasma is the main liquid that makes up blood. Platelets are one of the solid particles found in the blood, and they are involved in the process of blood clotting (to make sure a person stops bleeding when they get a cut, for example). Platelet-rich plasma, therefore, is plasma that has a high concentration of platelets.
How is PRP Made?
Platelet-rich plasma involves a blood draw, first and foremost. A patient will have their blood drawn. In the lab, the blood will be processed so that the platelets are separate from the rest of the blood. The platelets are then put back in the plasma through the use of a centrifuge. When a person is to get PRP injections, they will use their own blood and platelets to do so. This means they will have to do a blood draw and wait for the PRP to be ready (which may not be the same day) before they can get the injection.
What Does a PRP Injection Do?
The idea behind PRP injections is that the platelet-rich plasma will improve and speed up healing in damaged joints and parts of the body. A person with a torn tendon, for example, might get PRP injections. The injections go directly into the injured tissue. The platelets jump start the healing process in those areas and can help immensely with the healing process. Just know that the benefits of a PRP injection are often not immediately noticeable. It can take several weeks before you would notice improvement. However, that whole time the platelet-rich plasma is working on your injured tissue to help improve and heal it as quickly as possible.
Knowing these facts about PRP injections, you can talk to your doctor about the option and decide if PRP injections are right for you and your healing needs.