Deviated Septum? Doctors Can Fix That

If you have visited your ear, nose, and throat doctor, you may have been recommended for septoplasty, or a septum surgery. Perhaps you were born with a deviated septum, or maybe an injury to the nose pushed things out of place, prompting a need for medical attention.

What Is Septoplasty?

Septum surgery is often used to fix a displaced septum. The septum is the part of cartilage in your nose that divides your nostrils into two sides. If you have a deviated septum, the septum may sit more to one side than the other. Septoplasty corrects this issue by putting the septum in the proper place.

Do You Need Surgery?

Most people who have a deviated septum do not need surgery, especially if the deviation from the center is not that intense. Of course, there are some circumstances in which an individual may experience symptoms of the deviated septum, which can lead to serious issues.

One sign that you may need to consider surgery is that you feel your nose is always blocked. The blockage typically feels like it is directed at one side of the nose. You might also get sick often, including with sinus infections that are resistant to medical treatment. You may also need surgery if you have frequent nosebleeds or have a postnasal drip.

Some people with deviated symptoms may exhibit symptoms by snoring, breathing loudly, or having sleep apnea.

What Does Septoplasty Look Like?

The process of septum surgery is routine. First, your doctor will determine if your procedure requires local or general anesthesia. Your doctor will make an incision and gain access to the septum from one side of your nose. Your doctor will then move the septum into the proper place and ensure that it will stay fin the new position. You will be stitched back together, and the doctor will take steps to control any bleeding that occurs.

Generally, septoplasty does not take very long. The length of your surgery will depend on how severe your deviated septum is. If you have a severe deviation, your surgery could take longer than an hour.

How Do You Heal After Septoplasty?

Healing after septum surgery does not have to be severely difficult. In most cases, your nose will be swollen and somewhat sore, but you can control the pain with a cold compress and over-the-counter medications. You may take a few weeks to recover before returning to physical activity.

What Should You Do Next?

If you think you are a good candidate for septoplasty, speak with your doctor. You may be able to correct septum injuries and deviations quickly.
