Loved One Suffering From Post Concussion Vision Damage? How To Help Them Through The Recovery Process
If your loved one sustained a traumatic brain injury, there may be neuro optic damage. If that's the case, there may be lingering effects from the injury. In fact, your loved one may need post-concussion neuro-optometric rehabilitation. If that's the case, their road to recovery will be long and arduous. Your loved one will need all the help and support they can get. That's where you come in. Here are four steps you can take to help them through the recovery process.
Be Prepared for the New Normal
If your loved one needs rehab for vision problems associated with a concussion, be prepared for the new normal. Your loved one may never get back to where they were before the accident. But, they will reach a new level of normal. You can help them adjust by recognizing some of those changes. For instance, your loved one may need help seeing small objects. One way to help accommodate that change is to encourage the use of a magnifying glass. Also, your loved one's eyes may tire more easily than they used to. Find ways to help them rest their eyes when needed.
Prevent Visual Over-Stimulation
If your loved one suffered vision damage as a result of a concussion, they may not be able to handle too much stimulation. This is especially true of visual stimulation. While your loved one is adjusting to the changes, reduce the amount of clutter that's in the house. It's also important that you provide one central location for your loved one's belongings, especially those items they use on a regular basis. Reducing visual stimulation can help your loved one avoid stressful situations while they're recovering.
Change the Lighting in Your Home
If your loved one is recovering from vision damage caused by a concussion, you'll need to change the lighting in your home. Your loved one's eyes may be sensitive to light for quite some time. Fluorescent lights are especially bothersome for people suffering from neuro-optometric damage. To reduce the sensitivity, replace the fluorescent lights in your home. It's also a good idea to rely on natural light as much as possible. Natural light helps relieve sensitivity.
Learn What You Can During Rehab
Finally, if your loved one is dealing with neuro-optometric vision damage, learn what you can during their rehabilitation process. The more you learn about your loved one's injuries, the more you can help them.
For more details, reach out to a local medical health professional that offers neuro optometry rehabilitation.