4 Things To Know Before You Have Weight Loss Surgery
Weight loss surgery is often an effective way to lose weight so you can regain your health. The surgery isn't something to take lightly because you'll probably need to show your doctor that you're committed to permanent change before you'll be approved for the procedure. Here are four important things to know about having weight loss surgery.
1. Nutritional Counseling Could Be Necessary
You may have visits from a dietitian or nutritionist before you have surgery. You'll be taught how to eat a healthy diet you can stick to right after surgery and for the rest of your life. You may be told to go through your pantry and throw out all junk food. Your doctor might require you to lose a certain amount of weight before surgery as proof you understand your new dietary habits and that you're willing to stick to them.
2. Psychological Counseling Could Be Required
If you understand why you overeat, you might be able to control your impulses better. One reason the nutritionist may be strict about avoiding junk food is that the food could act as a trigger and cause you to go on a binge if you lose control. A therapist can help you understand why you can't control your appetite and what drives you to eat. Then you may be taught ways to deal with anxiety, depression, trauma, and other emotional conditions so you can control your diet and be successful at weight loss.
3. Your Hunger And Cravings Might Come Back
Weight loss surgery helps you lose weight by reducing your hunger and causing you to feel full even when you eat a small amount of food. You may not have an appetite at all right after surgery, and you may find it easy to lose weight initially. However, old habits can creep back in slowly.
You might start eating junk food or you might increase the amount of food you eat. You can stretch your stomach and gain weight if you're not careful, and this is one reason nutritional and psychological counseling are often necessary. You have to commit to a healthy lifestyle for life, or your weight might come back and then you won't have an option to help you lose weight again if surgery is no longer possible.
4. The Surgery Might Be Minimally Invasive
There are different types of weight loss surgery, and your doctor chooses the best surgery for your weight, health, and your unique circumstances. Some types of weight loss surgery are minimally invasive. This means the procedure is done through tiny incisions rather than having to open up your abdomen with a long incision.
Minimally invasive surgery usually has a shorter hospital stay and is easier to recover from. For more information, reach out to a weight loss center like The Weight Loss Surgery Center of Los Angeles near you.