Consistency Is Important With Physical Therapy

The success of a physical therapy program is largely based on consistency. Patients that are committed and see the treatment program through have longer-lasting and more positive outcomes than those that don't. Keep reading to learn more about why consistency is so important.

Motion Is the Treatment

When it comes to physical therapy, the most important thing to remember is that movement is the treatment. Physical therapy is a form of medicine that uses the body to heal itself, instead of medication or surgery. As a result, in order for the treatment to be effective, you have to move, and the only way for you to move is to engage in the therapy. As you make a commitment to continue to make all your appointments, you continue to receive the critical treatment you need to recover fully. 

Progression Is the Goal

Invasive treatments, such as surgery, typically offer an immediate solution. However, the reverse side of a non-invasive treatment option is that it takes more time to progress to full recovery. To work towards this goal, therapists will continuously add to the level of intensity and push for a greater range of motion with each exercise. If a patient does not attend their therapy sessions consistently, it will be hard to for them to experience this progression, and as a result, it will take longer for them to recover. 

Regression Is Always Possible

The greatest risk that comes along with not taking physical therapy seriously is regression. Remember, each therapy session is intended to build upon the last. When there is a long period between your therapy sessions, the muscles and tissues are more apt to lose any of the strength they've gained, which could cause your injuries to intensify or revert to the status when you first experienced the injury. Consistency keeps you on a path going forward. 

You're Still Healing

The most important thing for you to remember is that you're still healing. Physical therapy is only prescribed when a patient has an injury that is not healed and needs treatment. The less consistent you are with your therapy, the more likely you are to reinjure yourself. Reinjury could mean more discomfort and less range of motion, and in some instances, it can leave surgery as the only recovery option. Treat physical therapy just as you would any other important medical treatment so that you can recover. 

If you have been prescribed a physical therapy treatment program, make certain you stay committed.
