It Might Be Time To Visit The Neurologist About Your Sleep Disturbance Concerns
A good nights' rest is essential to your health, both physically and mentally. Consequently, when an individual begins to recognize a pattern of sleep disturbances, it is time to take a closer look. If you suffer from a debilitating sleep disturbance, it may be time to look beyond your mattress. It might instead be time to visit a neurologist.
Parkinson's Disease
Those individuals who have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease are often plagued with constant tremors. While these movements might appear to be more prevalent during waking hours, the reality is that this symptom is just as prevalent during nighttime hours as it is during the daytime hours.
As a result, the erratic movements can prevent the individual from obtaining restful sleep. Instead, they experience a vicious cycle of falling asleep only to be reawakened and restart the process all over. So, even though you might go to sleep at a decent hour, you may still feel tired in the morning.
It is also worth noting that as the disease progresses, the level of sleep disturbances that the individual experiences will likely increase and cause greater concern.
If you have been diagnosed with migraines, you are at an elevated risk of developing a sleep disturbance. In some instances, migraines are triggered when the blood vessels located inside of the brain dilate or widen. When it comes to restful sleep, this dilated state poses a problem. Rapid eye movement, or REM, sleep is a vital part of the sleep cycle.
When you are deprived of this type of sleep, you feel less rested, and if the pattern becomes frequent, the part of the brain responsible for learning and retaining information is not properly stimulated, which can cause a series of concerns. The connection between a lack of REM sleep and the dilated vessels associated with migraines is that the blood vessels need to be in a constricted state in order to make the transition into this sleep cycle.
As a result, people who experience frequent headaches are also more likely to experience a problem transitioning through the sleep cycles correctly.
If you believe you have a neurological condition that is causing a sleep disturbance, make an appointment with a neurology specialist as soon as possible; your health depends on it. A healthcare professional can diagnose the precise source of the sleep concern and help develop a treatment plan that best suits your needs.
To learn more, contact a resource like North Texas Neuroscience Center PA.