3 Dietary Tips to Try After Lap Band Surgery

Getting a lap band surgery to lose weight is a major step forward in your weight loss journey. Knowing what to expect post-op will help you feel prepared for the changes you will encounter after the procedure. Stay Hydrated During the weeks following the procedure, you will be on a liquid diet then slowly progress to pureed foods and eventually soft foods. Initially, your biggest focus will be staying hydrated and healthy. Read More 

Consistency Is Important With Physical Therapy

The success of a physical therapy program is largely based on consistency. Patients that are committed and see the treatment program through have longer-lasting and more positive outcomes than those that don't. Keep reading to learn more about why consistency is so important. Motion Is the Treatment When it comes to physical therapy, the most important thing to remember is that movement is the treatment. Physical therapy is a form of medicine that uses the body to heal itself, instead of medication or surgery. Read More 

About Dementia Care Centers

If your parent is suffering from dementia, then you may be worried about them living on their own, and this may have you thinking about whether your home would be the best place for them or if they should live in a dementia care facility. Some people may be worried about whether they are doing the right thing by moving their parent into a care facility. However, while you may imagine that your home would be the best choice for your parent, you might be surprised to learn about some of the reasons why a care facility can actually be best for them, even better than caring for them in your own home. Read More 

Cannabis Can Help Address Chronic Pain in Athletes

Athletes are no strangers to pain, as competing itself can put their bodies through various types of agitation. However, some types of chronic pain may occur with no reason and make athletic success nearly impossible. As a result, they may need to consider alternative care options, such as medical cannabis, to stay happy and healthy. Chronic Pain Is a Mysterious Problem for Many Athletes People with chronic pain may be the victim of any number of issues, some of which can be very hard to predict. Read More 

A Pessary Might Help Your Pelvic Organ Prolapse When Pelvic Floor Exercise Isn’t Enough

If you have been diagnosed with a pelvic organ prolapse, and the exercises your doctor recommended have not helped or no longer help, then talk to your doctor about other options for treatment. Exercises may help with a mild prolapse, but since the condition can progress, you may need another option to relieve your discomfort. An advanced prolapse may require surgery, but a pessary might be a solution to try when your condition requires more than exercise but it is not bad enough to need surgery. Read More