If you are a parent, you are constantly concerned with or at least thinking about your child's health and safety. This is part of being a parent. However, with the global pandemic of COVID-19 going on, you may be even more preoccupied with their health and safety than you were before, especially with the prospect of going back to school looming on the horizon. Get to know some of the facts about kids and COVID-19.
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Hearing your doctor say "you have tennis elbow" probably conjured up a range of emotions. If you don't plan tennis, your first thought may have been "that can't be." But indeed, tennis elbow is just another name for irritation of the tendons in your forearm muscles. These tendons connect your muscles to the bony point of your elbow. It can happen to anyone who does repetitive motions with their arm — golfers, gardeners, swimmers, and even guitar players.
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Whether you are looking to give yourself a more shapely waist or you want your clothing to fit just a bit better, compression waist training may help. Unfortunately, there are many prevailing myths about waist training in general.
Myth: Waist trainers are hard on your internal organs.
If you take a look at some of the drastic waist-training devices women used many years ago, it is easy to understand why this myth is so prevalent.
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If you are the family member of a person who requires home health care or you yourself utilize home health care services, you may be wondering what you can or should do about those services in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. This global pandemic has changed the world in a myriad of ways and made close interpersonal interactions riskier than previously thought. Get to know some of the steps you can and should take when you or a loved one need home health care during the pandemic.
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Children develop at different speeds and learn at different paces and there is nothing wrong with that. However, there are times when, if your child is not developing as quickly as his or her peers, it can be beneficial to get a little help. This is especially true when it comes to speed. So what are some signs your preschool-aged child could benefit from speech therapy? Take a look.
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