On rare occasions, leukapheresis can be used to diagnose chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) when very large numbers of white blood cells (WBC) cause the blood to thicken and cause medical problems. Under these circumstances, leukapheresis can be an important treatment.
What Is Leukapheresis?
Leukapheresis is a procedure in which WBCs are separated from blood in a laboratory. This process is used to reduce a very high WBC count. It is also used to obtain blood cells from a patient.
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Watching a beloved relative or close family friend suffer from a debilitating illness can feel like torture. There is so much you want to do to help but when your life is full of responsibilities you can feel like your hands are tied. Because you care about the well-being of the sick individual you may have invited them to move into your home. You'll be able to spend more time with them and be there if needed.
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It can be incredibly frustrating to feel tired but be unable to fall asleep or—even more annoying—stay asleep the entire night. While there are many sleep aids available, CBD oil has been providing relief to people suffering from anxiety-induced insomnia. Before you start experimenting with this natural remedy, avoid making these three common mistakes to ensure your experience with this supplement helps rather than hurts you.
1. Not Checking for Drug Interactions First
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Giving some of your assets to charity after you've passed is a great way to support your favorite non-profit organizations and reduce the tax burden on your heirs. Here are two ways you can accomplish this task in a way that will have minimal impact on your life and doesn't require a lot of effort to do.
Assign Retirement Assets
It's not unusual for people to leave behind retirement accounts full of cash when they pass away.
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Scientific experimentation dictates so much of the societal advancements that take place, so it's important to keep up with the data as it is gathered and put to use. One way to do this is through a laboratory information management system (LIMS). Right now, these systems account for a more than $2 billion industry, which speaks to just how useful they are to all different segments of scientific discovery and experimentation.
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