Is It The Flu? What You Can Do

The flu is a viral infection that is spread by saliva and mucous. It can be easily spread to those who are immuno-compromised and can spread around quickly to younger children, as they most likely aren't washing their hands as often (or properly). If you have the flu, there are a few things you should and could do to help you feel better. Read on for helpful information. Take An Over-The-Counter Pain Reliever Read More 

3 Ways To Get Ready For A Cardiac Stress Test

A cardiac stress test is important so that you can understand the condition of your heart. In order to get the best results, you need to make sure you prepare properly for the test. There are a few things you need to do before you go to your doctor and get on the treadmill. 1. Don't Eat Ahead of Time When it comes to eating, you will to want to come into the test on an empty stomach. Read More 

4 Things To Know Before You Have Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery is often an effective way to lose weight so you can regain your health. The surgery isn't something to take lightly because you'll probably need to show your doctor that you're committed to permanent change before you'll be approved for the procedure. Here are four important things to know about having weight loss surgery. 1. Nutritional Counseling Could Be Necessary You may have visits from a dietitian or nutritionist before you have surgery. Read More 

Symptoms And Complications Of GERD

If you have what feels like frequent heartburn after eating, especially when you are lying down, then you may have gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. While most people experience occasional GERD symptoms, chronic problems have serious health complications. Here is more information about GERD, the problems it causes, and when you should see a gastroenterologist for treatment. What Are the Symptoms of GERD? GERD can bring up many symptoms, but the most noticeable one is heartburn. Read More 

Do You Have Sleep Apnea? 3 Signs

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which the person stops breathing. The person may wake up coughing or feeling as if they are choking, which is because they are choking for air. Sleep apnea is a disorder that you shouldn't delay in treating, so if you suspect you have sleep apnea, you should get treated for this disorder right away. Delaying treatment could result in death. Read on for a few signs that you may have sleep apnea. Read More