A Pessary Might Help Your Pelvic Organ Prolapse When Pelvic Floor Exercise Isn’t Enough

If you have been diagnosed with a pelvic organ prolapse, and the exercises your doctor recommended have not helped or no longer help, then talk to your doctor about other options for treatment. Exercises may help with a mild prolapse, but since the condition can progress, you may need another option to relieve your discomfort. An advanced prolapse may require surgery, but a pessary might be a solution to try when your condition requires more than exercise but it is not bad enough to need surgery. Read More 

3 Signs Your Child’s Behavior May Not Be Normal

Children don't always behave the way their parents wish they would, but how do you know if your child's behavior is normal or if it may be an indication of something more going on? Here are three signs that you should discuss your child's behavior with their pediatrician. 1. Your Child Is Hostile Most children are good-natured. Of course, they have their bad moments or even bad days when they are grumpy and everything seems to upset them. Read More 

Diagnostic Tests To Rule Out Pneumonia

If you develop a hacking cough, fever, muscle pain, fatigue, and a headache, you may have either viral or bacterial pneumonia. However, before you can be effectively treated, your doctor will need to determine which type you have. If you are unable to see your doctor right away, visit a walk-in clinic so that you can get diagnosed and treated. Here are some diagnostic tests that the walk-in medical clinic staff may perform that can help diagnose pneumonia. Read More 

Stem Cell Therapy Can Help Knees

Stem cell therapy is talked about in the medical field with regards to many of its possible uses. One area of medicine that really stands to help patients in regards to using stem cell therapy revolves around helping with knee injuries and conditions. In the past, the treatments for many knee problems ranged from being regarded as mostly ineffective to extremely invasive. Since the knee is an area of the body that takes on such a large amount of wear and tear, this is an area of medicine that was much in need of better treatment options. Read More 

The Colorectal Surgery Post Diet

One of the most challenging parts of colorectal surgery is the recovery. This is not because of the staples or stitches, but the diet. The colon or large intestine is the part of the digestive system where liquids are absorbed into the bloodstream. It is also where the leftover food that has not been digested is converted into stool. Those may not sound like very important jobs, but after colorectal surgery, you will begin to see just how important they are. Read More